The first arena tour of 2019 of the 12th edition of India’s leading dance music brand, Sunburn pulled off a record-breaking event yesterday. The grand spectacle of color, Holi was ushered in by French superstar, DJ Snake at MMRDA Grounds, BKC in Mumbai amidst a crowd of over 20,000 excited fans making it one of the country’s biggest ever Holi events. Moreover, leading Bollywood personalities such as Gauri Khan, Norah Fatehi, and Jacqueline Fernandez were spotted backstage. Earlier this week, the 32-year old Parisian also linked up with the likes of Badshah, Parineeti Chopra and Karan Johar before his live stint.
The gig was an experience laden with exciting performances by Ananya Birla, Mercer, Omen, Ali Merchant, Aman Nagpal and many more with unbelievable energy, eye-popping pyrotechnics, spectacular dance acts, edgy visuals and epic beats. Karan Singh, CEO, Sunburn said in a statement:
“After multiple successful events with DJ Snake, we are extremely pleased with the response we received this year after hosting him at Sunburn in Pune. Infact this has been one of his most impactful tours in the region. Percept Live once again delivered a state-of-the-art spectacle owing to the ever increasing popularity of the Sunburn brand.”
With three more cities all geared up to get a taste of the action, make sure to grab your tickets to experience the same kind of magic for DJ Snake’s upcoming shows in Bengaluru at Embassy International Riding School on Friday, March 22nd, in Hyderabad at GMR Convention Center on Saturday, March 23rd, and lastly at GMR Arena in New Delhi on Sunday, March 24th.