Mumbai-based producer Karan Kanchan might have stayed relatively quiet in 2018. But fret not because the supremely talented act has now finally returned to action with a brand new remix in tow. Taking on Bengaluru-based producer Gurbax‘s recently released cut, ‘Aatank‘, he has decided to deliver his own ruthless spin on the blistering original.
Having garnered attention for his signature J-trap sound over the past year that continues to win over new audiences with each passing day, Karan’s latest production work proves to be another step up in his rapidly growing career. Doubling up on the track’s brunt force, the remix goes on to transform itself into an exciting rendition of ‘Aatank‘ that is ought to sit well with listeners. With a heavy dose of bass on offer, the rework’s sheer brilliance lies within its effortless mix of sounds, which brings together the respective worlds of Karan Kanchan and Gurbax without any compromise.
Out now as a free download, listen to the explosive remix of ‘Aatank‘ below and let us know what you think.