Unarguably India’s biggest dance music superstar, Nucleya is gearing up for a huge 2018! Having already hinted at a possible collaboration with Foreign Beggars, Udyan Sagar took to social media earlier today to reveal his latest project. As announced by BBC Asian Network, the Bass Raja will be taking over their airwaves starting this May for a weekly two-hour show. With the brand new segment set to be broadcasted every Sunday evening from 7-9PM (11PM-1AM IST), the renowned producer/DJ also talked about his upcoming radio show:
“From having my music played on the BBC Asian Network to being able to host a show is an honour. I hope to use this platform to shed light on some of the incredible young producers making music in India and across the South Asian diaspora. I’m incredibly excited about this opportunity and cannot wait to get started.”
Check out the announcement below.