Indian electronic music duo Burudu made their highly anticipated comeback earlier this year with the debut of their stunning new single, ‘Trading Noises‘. A scintillating piece of aural brilliance which was quickly followed up by their ‘Royal Almonds‘ EP on Stavroz’s Moodfamily imprint, they are now looking to extend their impressive run with the unveil of their upcoming EP, ‘Speaking of Listening‘. Due out later this July, Burudu have shared the first single ‘Llamas‘ from their next project.
A spellbinding creation which sounds like a beautiful culmination of their lush rhythms and ethereal melodies, the slow-paced vocal jam treads gently throughout its proceedings with noteworthy assistance by its poignant instrumental and intricate drum patterns. Accompanied by a dreamy lyric video created by New Delhi-based producer/visual artist Dolorblind, ‘Llamas‘ quickly goes on to establish its position as one of the duo’s most memorable cuts till date.
Listen to it below.