There’s no stopping Prabh Deep. And rightfully so, the New Delhi-based rapper has time and again proved his mettle as one of the country’s most revered acts in the past few years. With recent releases like ‘K.O.‘ and ‘Sauce‘ under his belt, the Azadi Records affiliate has now come out of nowhere to surprise his fans with the unveil of his newest single, ‘Maya‘.
Made in collaboration with one of India’s finest bassists, Hashbass and Archit Anand on keys, the laidback and extremely satisfying jam announces itself as a certified summer tune upon first listen. Press play for the second time and you get to discover the undeniable genius of Prabh Deep who lets himself loose on this exploratory record. Surrounded by plush sonics which keep unfurling throughout the proceedings, ‘Maya‘ seems like a playful wordplay exercise for the seasoned MC who seamlessly switches from one flow to another with every verse.
What feels like another future classic in the making, listen to ‘Maya‘ below.