Deadmau5 trolls Wildstylez & supporters of hardstyle with ‘Dat Kick Doe’!


After establishing yesterday that hardstyle producer/DJ, Wildstylez  had stolen the melody of his track, “Some Chords” and incorporated it into his new song, “Straightforward”, Joel Zimmerman aka Deadmau5 took the hardstyle advocate to task via Twitter and in the process was flooded with vexation from the supporters of Wildstylez and aficionado’s of hardstyle.

A little while later, when the situation had gotten a little out of hand, Zimmerman chose to clarify his position via Facebook, starting with the immortal line: “Dear hardstyle, I don’t know what your problem is…”

However the man inside the mau5 head didn’t stop just there. Instead he went to his website’s live feed to chat and start his composition for a hardstyle track and as a result created a sardonic ode to hardstyle, with the one minute and twenty two second composition titled, “Dat Kick Doe” which also resurrected his previously dormant SoundCloud account.

Whilst sharing his acerbic creation, Joel quipped on Twitter that,

Now, today we have the finished product which packs in an incredibly irksome beat which reverberates throughout the duration of the production. You can endure it below now.

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2 responses to “Deadmau5 trolls Wildstylez & supporters of hardstyle with ‘Dat Kick Doe’!

  1. Pingback: Deadmau5 rounds up controversy with Wildstylez by having his track removed from YouTube | The Bangin Beats·

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