Earlier last month, the music industry was struck with a major loss after it was revealed that New York-based rapper Lil Peep had passed away. While we have seen multiple artists mourn the death of the rising act, one of dance music’s biggest superstars, in particular seemed to have been affected more by the bad news than his fellow colleagues. Yes, we’re talking about Marshmello, who was also amongst one of the first artists to respect the late act with a heartfelt tribute.
And now, as reported by Billboard, a brand new collaboration between Marshmello and Lil Peep is coming on January 12, 2018. With the track set to arrive as the first posthumous record from the ‘Beamer Boy‘ hitmaker, the work on the joint effort is said to have been completed by the masked producer following Peep’s death.
As we await further information regarding the track’s release, stay tuned for further updates.
H/T: Billboard