2017 just can’t seem to bring good news for arena shows in India. After the cancellation of David Guetta’s Bangalore show and Eric Prydz’s Delhi show in January and February respectively, 2017 has claimed yet another victim, this time in the form of Mad Decent Block Party, that was due to be hosted in March in Mumbai, Hyderabad and Delhi.
After last year’s successful debut which saw Major Lazer, Big Gigantic, Gorgon City and many more head to India, this year’s edition had Major Lazer and Dillon Francis on the billing, with support from Nucleya. However, in a statement on Facebook from Oji, the promoters of the tour, they had to cancel MDBP due to being unable to host the shows in the “exact style with which they had envisioned”.
Delhi had previously missed out on MDBP last year due to political tensions in Gurgaon, that led to the cancellation of the Delhi leg at the last moment.
Check out the full statement here below:
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