Back in November last year, Flux Pavilion released his Freeway EP which included a stellar collaboration with none other than Dillon Francis, titled “I’m The One”. Now the ace producers have unleashed the music video for the track and it certainly is nothing short of what we’d expected from the duo who’re known for their sense of humour throughout the industry.
As part of the video, the pair are featured as kittens that need to be babysat. Taking the money that was given to take care of the DFran & Flux felines, the babysitter comes back to what would be something along the lines of a morphing intergalactic house ruled by a pair of white gloves that are DJ’ing the entire time.
The Dillon and Flux cats are left with sitter and evil cat, evil cat then brings a pile of magicians’ gloves to life and team evil-gloves plug Flux and Francis cats into a computer and makes them fight Mortal Kombat style.
The pet-sitter in the meanwhile, heads out for a tall boy and some LSD, from what it seems and as she returns, the house is transformed into what we can only imagine is what Dillon Francis sees when he closes his eyes. The cats multiply like Gremlins while the gloves pull instruments from the couch, and by now we’ve landed in crazy town as our very own pet-sitter takes to the stage to join the ‘cat band’ who are all by now friends or slaves to team evil-gloves or well, something like that.
The only thing for certain though is that once the owner of the house returns to the spaced out girl dancing around the now destroyed house, yelling as she does about gloves and singing cats (with the real ones having escaped through the door she left open), she might be looking for a new source of money.
Check out the video now and be sure to tell us what you think about it in the comments section below!