Spinnin’ Records’ latest preview, “Balkan” sends the dance music industry into a frenzy

balkan spinnin'

This past Friday, a short clip of Spinnin’ Records‘ soon to be released production, “Balkan” was previewed on their YouTube channel. Additionally, it was also made known that the track will be released on Tiesto‘s Musical Freedom imprint. There has however been, no mention of the artist connected with the clip yet which has been a trend followed by Spinnin’ of late.

The track kicks off with an ethnic South-Eastern European trumpet loop which is accompanied by fitting percussion work and gets built up by lasers and the commonly used “are you ready” vocal sample. Moving ahead the big room drop is unleashed with a splendid kick drum and plucks.

After the launch of the preview, certain fans of the imprint took to social media with an onslaught of negative criticism.

The negativity aside, a couple of familiar faces from the industry went to bat for the clip and offer their positive support.

Listen to the preview below now and let us know what you think of “Balkan”. Be sure to also tell us who you think has produced the track.

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