Back in November 2017, it was announced by James Blunt that he would be hitting up Bengaluru in April for his debut show within the Indian sub-continent. The globally renowned English singer/songwriter has not only fascinated his fans around the world with his surreal live performances, but has also delivered multiple folk rock-influenced hits over the years including the likes of ‘You’re Beautiful‘, ‘Goodbye My Lover‘, ‘Same Mistake‘ amongst others. And with the hype surrounding his highly awaited show which had continued to increase with each passing day, James Blunt took to Facebook over the weekend to sadly announce that he won’t be performing in India after all. Citing failure of enactment of contract terms as the reason behind the show’s cancellation, he also apologised to his beloved fans.
Check out his statement below.
“It is with regret that we must announce the cancellation of our show at the Phoenix Marketcity in Bangalore, India on Monday, the 9th of April. Our booking agent has advised that due to the failure of the promoter to enact contract terms, it is no longer possible for this show to take place. In due course we hope to to find another partner to promote a show in India so that we can play to our loyal fans. We are very sorry to disappoint those who have purchased tickets.
For refunds, please contact your point of purchase.”