Loco Dice believes EDM might be on its way out soon!

Loco Dice has called time on the EDM explosion in a recent interview, saying that in 12 months “everyone will be digging for something else.”

“Believe me, maybe in a year EDM is out and everyone is digging for someone else,” Dice stated. “This is why we do not belong to EDM, we have been doing our shit for 20 years and longer and it’s working. And it’s working because even if sometimes one of our people or a type of our music gets the hype, we always kill the hype by playing different or doing something else.”

Although the marvelous producer has just begun a new residency at Ushuaia, one of Ibiza’s high-end clubs, he maintains a fierce loyalty to the “quality” music coming out of the underground scene.

He said, “We don’t just go on the stage and want to fill people with CO2 cannons and confetti and all that shit”.

“It’s quality in the end, without dissing any other scenes or anything like that, but with us it’s like everybody is trying to make something new.”

Whatever the future might hold is still a mystery, however we can only wonder, what if the end of EDM maybe near.

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