Someone Mashed Up Stranger Things’ Theme With ‘Starboy’ And It Sounds Incredible

Someone Mashed Up Stranger Things' Theme With 'Starboy' And It Sounds Incredible

Two of 2016’s biggest moments came from Stranger Things and The Weeknd. One was an incredibly popular TV show that captured everyone’s attention with its gripping storyline, and its 80’s synth inspired soundtrack, and the other was a blockbuster single that saw the return of Daft Punk. Now, what do you get when you mash up the theme song  of Stranger Things with ‘Starboy‘?

This is what exactly happened when a Twitter user uploaded the mashup on his handle, mixed perfectly to the T. Over 2 minutes long, the mashup even caught the attention of The Weeknd himself, who called it “dope as f**k“. Check out the mashup here below, and be the judge for yourself.

H/T: In The Mix

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