

In a bizarre string of events, that couldn’t have turned any more unusual, World-famous Film, Animation & Cartoon franchise Walt Disney is seeking to file a lawsuit against Deadmau5 over his famous Mau5head logo! Joel Zimmerman aka Deadmau5 has been synonymous & become a recognizable face from the Dance Music Industry owing to his iconic Mau5head attire. The logo & his helmet have become customary to the Deadmau5 stage persona as well as signature of the artist’s craft on music, memorabilia & other merchandise. After having performed prolifically across the globe, not to mention the US as well a couple of times, the filing of the lawsuit begs the question; why now?


While movie critics & trade analysts have simply marked this as a publicity stunt from Disney, who have over the seasons lost their stream, and look to capitalize the grip that Dance Music has over people by reminding them of their most beloved creation, one has to ask: Does the Mau5head really remind us of Mickey Mouse? Deadmau5 took to social media, in his customary fashion, as he scornfully retaliated to the claims made by Disney.


With things taking a turn for the nasty, we just hope that the beloved musician & the beloved cartoon character make peace swiftly, and go back to entertaining their respective audiences in no time. Stay tuned for more updates!

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