Deadmau5 has been one busy bird these last few days. With all the relentless touring over the past few weeks, the countless coffee runs with celebrities and producers, a stunning double-album release and the prestigious opportunity to drive in the Gumball Rally 3000, Deadmau5 has been consistently in the news! And after having received the ‘Spirit of Gumball’ award for his free-spirited performance, the Mau5 has now decided to sell his iconic Ferrari 458 Spider, lovingly referred to as ‘the Purrari’!
After driving around eight cities across Europe and US, Deadmau5 made the announcement on Twitter, where he revealed his plans to sell the Purrari. Initially trying to sell his Nyan Cat coated masterpiece via eBay, the Canadian pioneer had to set up shop with Craigslist. However, hours later, even Craigslist had removed the listing of his vehicle prompting Deadmau5 to promise setting up a new site or web auction where participants can bid for the vehicle. Interestingly, Deadmau5 further announced that the winner of the bid will get to be in a special “Farewell Purrari” Coffee Run, in which the Coffee will be non-free! With an estimated price of around $350,000, the Purrari can be a fan’s dream come true of driving around with Deadmau5! So what are you waiting for, time to take out those cheque-books!
For sale: hahahah!!! comes with non-free coffee!!!
— deadmau5 (@deadmau5) June 16, 2014
like i said, whoever buys the car, can come and film a coffee run with me
should be funny to see how this turns out.
— deadmau5 (@deadmau5) June 16, 2014
craigslist removed my listing? what the fuck for? is it not a site for selling shit?
— deadmau5 (@deadmau5) June 16, 2014
alright… we’ll setup a new site / auction thing tomorrow… got some bids in today, so after we verify those and nothing pans out, game on.
— deadmau5 (@deadmau5) June 16, 2014
[…] Despite the ongoing negotiations towards selling his beloved Purrari, Deadmau5 continues sharing memories of his emphatic Gumball 3000 Rally venture, as he goes through gigabytes of footage to upload a free-spirited 4 minute teaser of his worldwide adventure! Assisted by his trusted aide Tory Belleci as they traveled across North America and Europe, the dynamic duo recorded plenty of footage of their experiences, and this short video gives us a slight taste of all the madness and euphoria that ensued! […]