DJ School for ages 3 and under!

So it looks like before kids can even learn the alphabet, they’ll be banging out music. While this idea sounds completely alien, it exists. Now I’m not saying a school for teaching toddlers how to DJ is a bad idea, I’m simply saying it’s a terrible idea. And apparently, due to someones misplaced genius, it seems to have come to fruition.

Brooklyn based DJ Natalie Elizabeth Weiss has created this school, which entails an eight-week course in creating and mixing electronic music at Crown Heights thrift store and performance space Cool Pony. Nothing says unconditional parent love like dropping $200 on the latest fad for a baby that probably can’t tell the difference between ableton and an apple. Kudos America, you know how to make money out of anything, the capitalists ultimate mecca.

“It’s a wonderful tool for children to use because it doesn’t require fine motor skill, as opposed to playing the flute. He can’t really draw a perfect circle, but he can mix some slicing beats together.”

All I’m getting from this is that apparently anyone can be a DJ.


Check this Vice documentary out about the school below:

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