Remember that enthralling moment when Dash Berlin played this track at A State of Trance 600 Mexico? Yes, it’s the same track. His bootleg of ‘The Funeral’ by our all time favourite rock band ‘Band of Horses’ which brought tears and goosebumps to thousands of fans all over the world.
Giving it a brilliant trance influenced feel comprising beautiful piano riffs, it builds towards the heavenly drop which brings in the legendary Horses. As if the lyrics of the popular rock piece were not sufficient, Dash has reworked the track in such manner that it becomes super stimulating. The climax will just leave you with your arms up in the air and wanting to go to Dash’s next gig just to dance to it.
The much awaited track is out now and to add to the enthusiasm it’s a free download from Dash Berlin. So, grab your copy now and relive the beautiful time of your life.