Deadmau5 is ready with new music, but can’t share it yet!

deadmau5 new music


Deadmau5 has new music he wants to share with you. But you’re going to have to wait a couple more weeks before you hear it because of contractual reasons.

That’s the word which recently came in from the man  himself. Deadmau5 went on to tweet that he has a new track done and ready to go, but he has to wait until June 25th.

deadmau5 twitter

This isn’t the first time Deadmau5 has taken to Twitter to lament his status with Ultra Records. Back in February he said that he was wasn’t releasing any new stuff because of  a certain record company.

Since then, he has dropped several snippets of audio on his Soundcloud, but they’ve just been teasers. From the sound of things, it appears this next release will be different.

No word on what label, if any, the new track will be on. Although one can assume it may not be Ultra.

For now, Get ready as June 25th approaches!

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  1. Deadmau5 – Strobe | Josef Ka?írek

    […] Deadmau5 is ready with new music, but can’t share it yet! ( […]


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