They say that averse conditions are, in the long run, an artist’s best friend. Something similar seemed to have happened with Chet Faker, who’s been living in Brooklyn since 2014. The Australian musician was stranded at home and unable to order pizza (the horror!) owing to the storm Jonas. So he decided to produce a track while he still could. The track is titled ‘In-Between’ and inspired by the storm.
Chet Faker has produced something of a psychedelic track which combines bongos and a jazz Melody with a speech given by Bill de Blasio, during the blizzard last year. The result, surprisingly, is something which makes you just want to sit back, do nothing and look outside the window while contemplating the storms in your own life. The standard melody goes on throughout the song which the speech starting int he background at a point. It progresses and takes over the melody and towards the end all we can hear is the speech. For a song produced in an impromptu manner, this one is going to make an impact atleast amongst those who like the play between Chet Faker‘s signature sombre melodies and vocal overlays.
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