deadmau5 gumball
Let’s admit it. All of us were sad to see when Deadmau5 was forced to strip his Purrari and return it to its original white paint job and render it as the same old Ferrari 458, which further led him to sell it to any interested buyer for a cool $380,000.

…..Aaaaand it's gone. Memories were made. Coffees were had. And gumballs were chewed upon. A moment of silence please.

A photo posted by deadmau5 (@deadmau5) on

But looks like everything’s going to be fine. Joel Zimmerman has announced his plans to build a Nyan Cat themed Lamborghini named Purracan. He even posted a digital design of the Lamboghini on his Twitter to give us an idea of what the Purracan would look like.


The mau5 already has a McLaren 650S, which he calls the Meowclaren, while he also purchased a hybrid Mclaren P1. A Lamborghini next to the other two would look pretty sweet.
Deadmau5 has even reached out to popular toy manufacturer Hot Wheels to immortalize the Purrari in scale model form.

Now all we can do is hope that Deadmau5 does indeed present us with the Purracan someday!

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