

In a time when artists around the world seek prominence and identifiablity through ceaseless promotions and a garnered social media presence, there are a select few who choose to remain faceless – till atleast the time is right. A string of talented producers have decided to sit behind a veil of secrecy, in order to keep all their attention on their music. And yet another musician who joins the rank is the latest Mau5trap entrant Attlas. While information on this mystery producer is limited, a string of debate online is pointing to the possibility that Attlas is none other than Joel Zimmerman himself, who decided to kickstart another musical side through an alter-ego.



The avid video-gamer is absolutely capable of bringing a twist to the tale, and certain evidence strongly suggests that the man in the Attlas studio may just be wearing a Mau5head in another. For starters, consider the odds that a relatively unknown producer lands on a remix for a Deadmau5 track, that has been excluded from the ‘5 Years of Mau5‘ compilation album – that’s a lot of faith on a newcomer! Further more, ‘Aural Psynapse‘ isn’t the conventional Deadmau5 remix track as its laden by progressive synth almost luring towards the Trance genre. Another vital clue is the chronology of the events. The producer joined Facebook only last month after having only a single remix of his surface and after it was played by Deadmau5 himself at Hard Day of the Dead. And finally, take a look at Attlas profile picture on Facebook. There is an eerie resemblance to Deadmau5 without the tattoos of course, but there seems a close resemblance to the Canadian mischief-maker.




In either case, the remix is available for a Free Download on Mau5trap‘s SoundCloud page and it can be picked up now! Check out the track below and tell us what you think. Could this be Deadmau5 himself?


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