When you’re at a club, you can’t see much except blinding flashes of light from the show lights installed, and probably those on your immediate left and right.
A few students from Hamburg got together and started a little photography project, wherein they were required to take photographs of all the popular German nightclubs the morning after everyone had danced, drunk, and partied the night away, and aptly named the project, “The Morning After”.
The thought behind this project as ideated by Giesermann André and Daniel Schulz was that after the partying is over and done with, one can really see the true form of the area, without the facade of dim lighting. They also wanted viewers to see that even though the space was now empty, one could tell that something big had gone down there. From the pictures, it looks like a hurricane of confetti and dirt tore through and underground bunker in the 40s and 50s.
Both are students at the HAW Hamburg Academy of Fine Arts in Communication Design and Industrial Design, and plan on releasing a photo book in the future.
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