Spinnin’ Records release Horror themed preview of anonymous track, “Megalodon”


Just when you thought beaches were safe from Jaws and Sharks, a scary new beast has now appeared on the shores that goes by the name, ‘Megalodon’.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with prehistoric animals, Megalodon is an extinct spices of shark that lived millions of years ago and were considered to be one of the most fearsome predators who just like the song, knew how to make a splash. The track and the shark, though are not the only things which stand out, since the trailer also features some ladies who are certainly not too hard on the eyes.

Although Spinnin’ Records have not revealed who is behind ‘Megalodon’ just yet, however, there is absolutely no doubt that it shall be a huge hit and a sure shot crowd pleaser, which shall form a part of every DJ’s set.

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One response to “Spinnin’ Records release Horror themed preview of anonymous track, “Megalodon”

  1. Pingback: KSHMR – ¡Baila! (Original Mix) [Free Download] | The Bangin Beats·

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