Deadmau5 Got Dat New Mew Nyan Cat Ferrari


The mau5 has a flair for the dramatic, as we all are well aware of and he doesn’t like sticking to the norm. His latest indulgence is customizing his Ferrari to look like the creators of Nyan Cat paid him to advertise for them. Personally, I’m not complaining. If the man wants to wrap his car in Nyan Cat skin, it’s better than painting flames on a Mustang – and anyway it’ll make it easier for the fans to spot him from a mile away.

He revealed his new Mau5 mobile via facebook, to several mixed reviews but looks like he’s sticking to his decision, like I’m guessing he always does.


But when he’s not doing the above mentioned stuff, he’s rewarding his ‘suckscribers’ on with new music like Petting Zoo and the heavily beating Heavy Petting Zoo. Just some stuff before he comes out with that 2 disc album he’s promised everyone.


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One response to “Deadmau5 Got Dat New Mew Nyan Cat Ferrari

  1. Pingback: Deadmau5′s album looks set for “March-ish” release | The Bangin Beats·

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