Ellen DeGeneres dances to Dillon Francis’, “IDGAFOS” for a Beats Music commercial


At the conclusion of a her show day before, Ellen DeGeneres went on to announce that she would be featured in a commercial for Beats Music in order to promote their new personalized digital streaming service.

She stated that the commercial shall air during the Super Bowl on Sunday and then proceeded to share a short clip with the audience. The clip featured DeGeneres dancing along with a partner who bears a funny yet uncanny resemblance to Skrillex.

The song chosen for the commercial was none other than Dillon Francis’ game changer from 2011 titled, “IDGAFOS”! This was certainly exciting news for Dillon Francis and ravers in general, as the commercial would ensure the garnering of a great amount of attention from a nationwide audience. Francis took to twitter to share his excitement, first retweeting several fans who watched the show and then tweeting the link himself.

On the next episode of her show, DeGeneres treated her audience to the entire commercial and it was certainly great fun watching her have a blast to Francis’ track. We can only imagine what reactions shall follow once the commercial is aired during the Super Bowl on Sunday. For now, check out the video of Ellen treating the crowd present at her show to the commercial now!

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