Tagged: the drop

Bro Safari – The Drop [Free Download]


“Whenever I write a new song, I always want to get it out for people to hear immediately. I’m directly inspired by the music that others are making and also by everything else happening around me, so it makes sense that when I write something new, I should let it be heard as quickly as possible… right? A product of its environment.

That’s what I did here. I wrote this song over the last week and immediately thought to give it away on Soundcloud, as quickly as possible.

You’ve all been really good to me, so I’ll keep doing this as often as possible without compromising the quality of the material that I’m giving away. I definitely don’t want to just hand you guys “filler” tracks. Anyway, I have a lot of music in the pipeline, so there won’t be any shortage of material from me in 2013.

Thanks again for all of the support! Hope you like the tune!”

- Nick / Bro Safari

That is what Bro Safari had to say when he released his new track on his soundcloud page.  Befittingly called “The Drop”, it has fierce drops, incredible synth sounds and is power packed to the core. Stats speak for themselves, the stats of ‘trap’ have shown a world wide growth trend. The genre’s popularity is growing and with kick-ass releases like this one it is never ever going to plummet.

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