If you aren’t aware of what Berghain is, you should probably go sit in the corner. But we aren’t that mean either! Considered as the ‘Techno Church‘ by fanatics around the globe, the dark lurking underworld of techno which exists in one of dance music’s biggest capitals, Berlin has become notoriously famous for their extremely refined door policy turning away countless number of people each night.
Undoubtedly one of the world’s most exclusive nightclub, the entry process is elaborate and hectic, to say the least which involves legendary bouncer Sven Marquardt who decides whom to let in and vice versa. Fabian Burghardt and Vinzenz Aubry, who are the creators of the VR simulation system incorporate a facial recognition procedure which checks the user’s emotions followed by three random questions which consequently determine the ultimate outcome, i.e. entry.
Hence to save your major travel expenses, click here and take the test! And, if you feel highly confident, better put it in the backseat. Also, let us know whether you made the cut or not in the comments. Good luck.
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