As premiered on Axtone Records’ monthly radio show Axtone Presents, “Teenage Crime” fame, Adrian Lux makes his return to Axtone Records with this beautiful track named “Torn Apart” and there’s no denying in saying that Adrian Lux does not disappoint. With this track gaining much support from the scene, Adrian and Axtone name on progressive house aficionado, Fehrplay for remix duties. Setting his style apart from the others, Jonas von der Fehr aka Fehrplay has grown to be synonymous for the high-quality progressive house where the melodies and basslines are embraced at their best and purest form. Having remixed the likes of Deadmau5 and Eric Prydz, Jonas conceivably delivers an excellent remix which is sure to gather the admirers irrespective of their generation. Fehrplay gives his cinematic touch to this promising original with heavenly synths and stunning atmospheric sounds, making sure to take the listeners to another world. Already supported by Above & Beyond on their reputed radio show, Group Therapy, Axtone is yet to unveil the release date of the remix. Till then take a peek into the preview below!
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