In a recent interview with The Economic Times, Skrillex revealed he wanted to collaborate with Honey Singh. Nikhil Chinapa tweeted about the interview, and Twitter had quite the reactions, with a number of fans expressing their dismay over the news.
Looks like @Skrillex wants to collaborate with @asliyoyo. What do you think about that?
— Nikhil Chinapa (@nikhilchinapa) September 21, 2015
While some of them were dead against anything of that sort happening, with some of them even starting a petition online to stop the collaboration. These are just some of the reactions:
I'd like to work with Honey Singh, says Skrillex. I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
— Akshay Rajpurohit (@TheRajpurohit) September 20, 2015
SKRILLEX: Skrillex do NOT collaborate with Honey Singh and insult Dubstep, Music and yourself !… via @Change4India
— Codi Roy (@roycodi) September 20, 2015
@Skrillex NO BRUH.. PLZ DONT EVEN THINK FOR SUCH A THING …htere are WAY much better artists than HIM.
— Dravy (@DJDravy) September 20, 2015
@Skrillex don't ! Ever ! Collab! With honey singh ! You'd lose some fans from India !
— Shubhansh Tiwari (@ShuTi_9_9) September 20, 2015
How about no @EconomicTimes
— Adhoksh Ravishankar (@Adhoksh94) September 24, 2015
@nikhilchinapa @Skrillex @asliyoyo Please don't degrade yourself Skrillex. You got many fans to lose
— Yash Varun (@yash_varun) September 21, 2015
@nikhilchinapa @Skrillex @asliyoyo hell no!
— Nishchay. (@nishchaymehta17) September 21, 2015
@nikhilchinapa @Skrillex @asliyoyo really don't want any collab of sonny and honey together 🙊🙊🙊
— Hemankshi Bhanushali (@HemankshiC) September 21, 2015
@nikhilchinapa Not a big fan of Honey Singh & i think there are far more better artists who can create really good music with Skrillex
— Fillon Drancis (@AzaanMulla) September 21, 2015
Some fans were more than open towards the idea of a Skrillex – Honey Singh collab
I'd like to work with Honey Singh, says Skrillex I think something really big is coming up ! @asliyoyo
— Sarab Bedi (@SarabBedi) September 22, 2015
@asliyoyo You'd make India super proud !!
— DSync (@iamDSync) September 21, 2015
What's really wrong if skillex collab with honey Singh ? Why Indian fans let Indian artist let down ?
— ♬‧•͙‧Upsytech‧•͙‧♬ (@AvBfrever) September 24, 2015
Skrillex isn’t the only international artist who’s expressed his desire to collaborate with Honey Singh or appreciate his music though. During his India tour back in April, Derek Vincent Smith aka Pretty Lights expressed his admiration for Honey Singh and his music in an interview with us.
TBB: What have you heard about the Indian Dance Music scene? Any artists who have caught your attention?
Derek:Actually I went out filming this morning and heard some amazing music on the radio and I loved it- Honey Singh. I loved the beats he put in.. Cannot wait to hear more of him.
What’s your opinion on this collaboration? Yay or nay?
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