Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike are 2 superstar names in the EDM circuit today. Guaranteed to perform to a sell out crowd anywhere, the 2 Belgians have a penchant for flamboyance to say the least. Sticking to their true nature DV&LM have upped their latest shenanigans by virtue of their latest video for their smash hit ‘The Hum’.
The video starts with the Belgians and fellow dance music hero Ummet Ozcan inviting party people over to their house for one wicked party filled with booze, women and wild animals (Elephant, Crocodile & Monkey). Add legendary action hero Jean Claude Van Damme and you’ve got a winner ~ speaking of which we nearly forgot the ‘winning’ ingredient that completely makes this video: Charlie Sheen!
We don’t want to divulge anything further. Just check out the insane video below:
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