Iconic and legendary DJ and Radio show host Pete Tong, known as one of the best philanthropists of Dance Music for over two decades, compiles a stunning new series with the richly talented Gorgon City called All Gone Pete Tong & Gorgon City Miami 2015. We focus our attention on a fantastic new collaboration between Tong himself with LA-based Kingstown called ‘I Lost My Mind‘.
A classical DJ in all rights, Tong builds the track with subtle shifts in melody, grooves and waveforms. The duo bring together all their experience as they add emotionally striking elements and synthforms. Around the break, especially as all quiets down, you hear the slap of a fat bassline that changes the complexion of the track thereforth. A beautiful marriage of two distinct style of Tech and Progressive, the track makes for a perfect peak-hour moment or an afterhours ensemble.
You can purchase the track and the entire album here.
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