New Year, New Resolution. Every year its the same story. We all have resolutions and why should Zedd be left behind in this tradition? This acclaimed DJ/ Producer resorted to twitter to let his followers know of his resolutions for 2015. Along with this revelation, he mentioned his resolution for 2014 and all that he has achieved over the passing year. “My new years resolution in 2014 was not to reply to any hater or any hateful comment and only give people my attention who share positivity.” 

Anton Zaslavski a.k.a Zedd, following the discussion, spoke about many barriers everyone has to face on an everyday basis in today’s world of social networking. “There’s sooo much hate online, for absolutely no reason but the fact that people feel invincible behind a computer screen. The only thing feeding them is attention. So I thought, for myself, I’m just not gonna give them attention!  So instead of telling someone that I think he / she’s wrong, I just found someone else that I thought was right and talked to that person. And even though it absolutely hurts to read some of the comments because you LIVE for what you do.. sometimes u just gotta “shake it off” 

Finally, Are you prepared for Zedd’s resolution for this 2015? Well here it is!

“LONG STORY SHORT. My new years resolution for 2015 is gonna be the exact same as 2014; share love and cut off attention for haters! “

Come on guys, its not too late to adopt this resolution yourself. At the same time, best of luck Zedd. This is going to require some insane amount of willpower!

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