There is no doubt that Markus Schulz is one of the most hard working DJ’s on the planet. Known to have one of the most exhaustive touring schedules in the Electronic Dance Music circuit, he’s living life literally out of a suitcase! And when he’s not touring, or working on his weekly radio show or preparing for his brand new album, Markus is back at his residency in LA attempting to break world records with his marathon sets! Markus Schulz sat down with LA weekly to discuss what it takes to perform for 10 hours straight without as much as a bathroom break! Following are excerpts from the interview.
Despite touring the world over, Markus seems to reserve his best for the city of Los Angeles. His extended sets have become his hallmark at his residency in LA and when quizzed about choosing to do his extended sets here primarily, Markus replied that,
To do an extended set, it has to be a cultural setting where people are educated. …EDM culture in L.A. has a long history and it’s thus an amazing place to play.
While most artists believe in an extended set lasting anywhere between 6-8 hours, Markus lifts his game by going upto 10-12 hours! Talking about the physical endurance it takes to stand on stage for 12 hours, without as much as a bathroom break, here’s what he had to say,
I don’t drink alcohol while I’m playing. I just have some water or some iced tea, and I don’t go to the bathroom at all. I sweat it all out. If you don’t drink alcohol it makes it easier to not have to go to the bathroom.
Playing an extended set can be as challenging for an audience as it is for the DJ. The obvious challenge would be to maintain a consistent vibe amongst the audience. Talking about keeping the audience with you, here’s what Markus had to say,
It’s all about directing the vibe in the room…You stay hot for 30 or 40 minutes, bring it down for ten and then bring it back up again…It’s really about creating a journey of peaks and valleys, and the peaks are so much more dramatic when you bring it down a little bit before a big epic moment.
A man who is visibly at the top his game, working tirelessly to return that love and appreciation back to his fans is a heartening sight. Markus Schulz is a true legend! You can read the full interview here!
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