Deadmau5 pays tribute to Minecraft with “Turbo CartPig Racer”

Joel Zimmerman better known as deadmau5 is bringing out tons of new production work in the last few days. Teasing two snippets titled “going nowhere fast” and “nowhere fast 02″, mau5 brings out the third and probably the final version of this work in progress. He gives a funny title “Turbo CartPig Racer” to this track as a tribute to the video game Minecraft. Joel who is experimenting with new sounds a lot these days, presents an upbeat, fast-paced, hypnotic and melodious production in Turbo Cartpig Racer. With no information on its release date, enjoy the track below via deadmau5′ soundcloud and watch this space for more mau5 music as it comes.

Hit past the break to listen to the previous versions of this track.

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One response to “Deadmau5 pays tribute to Minecraft with “Turbo CartPig Racer”

  1. Pingback: Deadmau5 gives away “Suckfest9001″ as a Free Download. | The Bangin Beats·

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