Kill FM, the Swedish duo have been causing a stir in the dance music industry and recently have unbridled their incredible debut EP titled, ‘Revolt’, featuring 5 tracks that have all caught the attention of arbiter’s in the industry for their stunning originality. All it takes is one listen to be enamoured with Kill FM’s fresh sound. ‘Revolt’ represents the sheer dedication Kill FM (aka Kim & Jimmy) have to their music.
We caught up with the duo for an interview to know a little more about their beginnings, the Revolt EP and their plans beyond their debut effort. Read up to know what Kill FM had to tell us now!
Hey Kim & Jimmy! We are The Bangin Beats ( It’s great to be interviewing you!
TBB: First up, how are you guys?
Kill FM: We are all good feels good that our debut EP Revolt is finally out!
TBB: We have to ask you, what were the two of you doing individually before joining forces to form Kill FM in May 2012? Individually, was producing electronic music always something both of you were keen on or did it start as a hobby on the side?
Kill FM: Kim worked I (Jimmy) went to School. It started out as a hobby from both sides. I studied Audio and Music production at a university with different courses everything from sound design to setup PA’s and work with live sound and recordings bands in the studio.
TBB: We know you guys probably get this a lot since you come from Sweden which is a major centre for dance music in the world today with the likes of Avicii, Alesso, the infamous Swedish trio and more arising out of the country but what do you reckon is the reason for such prowess? Does the country influence the music you produce in any way?
Kill FM: I guess we Swedes are really hard working. We have really long and boring winters here and because of that there’s not much to do than to just stay in and make music all day all night! (laughs)
TBB: To a person new to your music, how would you describe the “Kill FM” sound?
Kill FM: Our sound is big, melodic and hard.
TBB: Could you tell us a little about your recently released debut EP?
Kill FM: It’s a mixture of styles and feelings we really wanted to make something dynamic with every song. We hope that there is something for everyone in there we wanted it to be a bit deep and melancholic to fun and uplifting.
TBB: What ultimately influences the two of you to keep moving forward with your music career and keep producing new music?
Kill FM: They joy we get when we finish a track is the best feeling in the world, especially when we can the same night try it out and get an instant reaction from the crow.
TBB: Would the two of you be keen on touring India soon? Have you heard anything about the crowds here from fellow DJ’s?
Kill FM: We would love to tour India! Albin Myers seems to love it over there, everyone seems to be really into the music which we love!
TBB: Do the two of you have any specific goals in place for 2013 as far as your music is concerned?
Kill FM: Just release more music and get our name out there!
TBB: Any final message for your fans in India and across the world?
Kill FM: We really hope you guys will like our Revolt EP and we can’t wait to show you all the new stuffs we’ve been working on!
TBB: Thank you for the interview, its been a pleasure!
Kill FM:It was our pleasure so thank you!
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