Tagged: 7
Deadmau5 explains why he left Twitter!
Few hours ago, Joel Zimmerman better known as Deadmau5 suspended his twitter account deleting all his tweets and released 7-new tracks under a set named “7″ via Souncloud where each production represented one of the 7 deadly sins. These 7-tracks represent deadmau5′ ability to create quality music and his talent to make beautiful sounding melodic piano riffs.
But it all came with a price of deadmau5 giving up the control of his twitter account and in place passing it on to his management. Now, the Canadian superstar took to tumblr to explain the reason why he left the twitter world and how he’ll divert his focus into making music now.
Hit past the break to read up what the mau5 had to say! Continue reading
Deadmau5 leaves Twitter for hell with 7 deadly sins
Having just left twitter, world renowned DJ/producer Deadmau5 decided to upload a slew of new productions to his SoundCloud page, 7 to be exact. Each production representing one of the 7 deadly sins.
Aptly titled “7″, the set showcases the maestro’s stunning progressive sound, as each song builds and then progresses with a minimal yet ominous melody. All the productions are constructed around a very similar mystifying eeriness, this new set comes as perhaps an insight into the complex yet fascinating mind of Joel Zimmerman aka the mau5 himself.
The 7 tracks along with their corresponding sins are;
Ira – Wrath
Avaritia – Greed
Gula – Gluttony
Superbia – Pride
Luxuria – Lust
Invidia – Envy
Acedia – Sloth
Whatever the case may be, we strongly recommend listening to the full 19 minute long journey down through hell, accompanied by the mau5 himself.