Watch This : Deadmau5 Gives “Stranger Things” Intro An Analogue Spin

Image Credit: Rukes

Image Credit: Rukes

The Master is back at it again!

Deadmau5 news isn’t always about his music, then be it him trolling anyone on Twitter or expressing his well thought out opinions on matters which interest him. But every now and then Joel Zimmerman spends his precious time in his mammoth studio and more often then not comes out with a masterstroke. This article is about that masterstroke, namely deadmau5’s unofficial theme remix of the much talked about Netflix’s hit show Stranger Things.

Now hold up before you run directly to the 50 minutes counter on the 3 hour video below to find the best and familiar part of the introduction theme. As good as the part after 50th minute, we can assure you this is a 3 hour masterpiece where Joel breaks the tune to its core and builds up which each and every other element adding some deadmau5 magic along the way. We just hope he plays this at a gig pretty soon so we can have a firsthand live experience of stranger feels.

Watch live video from deadmau5 on

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