Knife Party have “leaked” the new single off their upcoming album, “Resistance”

So after all the excitement post the announcement of Knife Party‘s debut studio album titled “Abandon Ship“, there’s even better news for you fans. The first single off the album has been leaked onto the internet and it now has been supported by the duo too, who’ve given it as a free download on their official website.
The single, titled “Resistance“, is everything you would expect from Knife Party. It’s heavy and hits you hard, and its breakdown, which consists of a loopy synth progression, makes you want to lose your head and make you go batshit crazy. This is exactly the electro house finesse we’ve come to expect from Knife Party, and the duo have delivered.
Though the single is a free download, it’s only available for a limited time, so head over to their official website and get your free download right now!

Or you can click here to download the single.

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One response to “Knife Party have “leaked” the new single off their upcoming album, “Resistance”

  1. Pingback: Knife Party – Resistance (Original Mix) [Free Download] | The Bangin Beats·

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