If you’ve ever imagined what a stereotypical EDM fan would look like, The Nielsen Company has decided to answer that question. Last month, the EDMBiz conference held in Las Vegas had Nielsen representative Tatiana Simonian unveil findings from the data giant that reveals the most common demographics of a typical fan of electronic dance music.
To put things in perspective, the survey yielded that the average EDM fan is most likely an 18-24 year old male, with a household income ranging from $25,000 to $50,000 annually. Also, “some college”education was also highlighted. Exact numbers are for show below, but this wouldn’t be surprising considering the attendance at most major EDM festivals.
In terms of gender, the ratio of male:female fans stood at 55:45, but the males dominated every age group, except for the oldest and youngest brackets.
To have a closer look, click to expand the above infographic. Let’s hope Nielsen helps us discover new things everyday about the world we’ve all grown to adore!
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