Steve Aoki & Coone – Can’t Stop The Swag (Original Mix)

Steve Aoki & Coone- Cant Stop The Swag

The self confessed entertainer of the EDM fraternity Steve Aoki has collaborated with Coone to release ‘Cant Stop The Swag’ under his very own label, Dim Mak Records. 

After the recent success of #Selfie by Chainsmokers on the same label, ‘Cant Stop The Swag’  will prove to be a double victory for Aoki, since this one hits you when you least expect it.The track is hard hitting and exploratory in its behavior. Beginning with some entertaining beats the track matches your heartbeat and enjoys a beautiful rhythms. you cannot expect anything but the very best from Aoki and he seems to have delivered just that.

So if you got it, you most certainly shouldn’t stop the swag! You got to live it up by checking out the track right here and picking it off beatport.

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One response to “Steve Aoki & Coone – Can’t Stop The Swag (Original Mix)

  1. wonderful insight. Really enjoyed looking over this blog.
    Keep up the good work and to everyone keep on tweeting!

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