This week at a nightclub in South Korea, Justin Bieber allegedly punched Michael Woods‘ manager after Woods refused his request to play hip-hop. Earlier today Woods tweeted describing the events that took place, claiming that Bieber with his security muscled their way into his DJ booth and requested to play hip-hop but when he told Justin to “f**k off and put some clothes on” Bieber attacked his manager and went away from there with his security.
On the other hand, the party’s host, Ben Baller told TMZ that Woods is blowing the event way out of proportion, claiming that heated words were exchanged but no punches were thrown. Finally, when Woods got off the DJ booth, Bieber got behind the decks and got some hip-hop played.
Hit past the break to read up the tweets!
Next time u wanna take a cheap shot at my Tour Manager @justinbieber stick around to follow it thru instead of runnin off like a lil pussy—
Michael Woods (@michael_woods) October 12, 2013
Story is @justinbieber + his army of heavy security muscled in to the booth half way thru my set in S. Korea demanding hip hop…—
Michael Woods (@michael_woods) October 12, 2013
So when I told @justinbieber to fuck off and put some clothes on he took a cheap shot at my tour manager and fled behind a wall of security—
Michael Woods (@michael_woods) October 12, 2013
Even deadmau5 got in between all this and took the opportunity of smashing Bieber through his tweets.
Dear @justinbieber , would you please grow the fuck up already? In the meantime, put a shirt on, and stay away from nightclubs.—
(@deadmau5) October 12, 2013
Source: TMZ
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ssly get a life u asshole , n stay away frm EDM !
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