Ultra 2013, Miami – Forever In My Mind

UMF Day 2 2013

Its only been a few weeks since Ultra 2013, Miami and they’ve already released a glimpse of their after-movie! Aptly titled ‘Forever In My Mind’, Ultra is one heck of a memory to have.

Some of us made to Ultra, while some of us managed to catch it online. This after-video encompasses all that it stands for- and more. This release is for those who wish to relive those fond memories, or be a plain catalyst and leave those who couldn’t make it, to their wildest imagination. Brilliantly shot and produced ( Spoiler: its unreal how awesome this is! )- one of the biggest  festivals in the world presents to you : Ultra 2013, Miami- ‘Forever In My Mind’. Watch out for the official after-movie of Ultra, coming out this June.

Stay tuned to http://thebanginbeats.com for an exclusive review, and interviews with artists at UMF, Miami 2013!

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