The wait is finally over, well….. almost. The pre-sale orders for deadmau5′ newest album went live today on iTunes. The tracklist was released as well, and within a month’s time we’d be hearing some of the mau5’s finest work. A few tracks from the 25 track strong album already featured on his Soundcloud. There are familiars like Avaritia, Coelacanth 1, My Pet Coelacanth, Infra Turbo Pigcart Racer, just to name a few.
As we already know, the album will be split into two parts with two continuous mixes. As before, with pre-order, you get the first track ‘Avaritia’ for free!
Pre Order it here.
While (1<2) official tracklist:
Part 1:
1. Avaritia
2. Coelacanth I
3. Ice Age (feat. deadmau5) [deadmau5 remix] by How to Destroy Angels
4. My Pet Coelacanth
5. Infra Turbo Pigcart Racer
6. Terrors in My Head
7. Creep
8. Somewhere Up Here
9. Phantom’s Can’t Hang
10. Gula
11. while (1<2) [Part 1] continuous mix
Part 2:
1. Acedia
2. Invidia
3. Errors In My Bread
4. Survivalism (feat. deadmau5) [deadmau5 remix] by Nine Inch Nails
5. Silent Picture
6. Rlyehs Lament
7. Superbia
8. Mercedes
9. Bleed
10. Ira
11. Monday
12. A Moment To Myself
13. Pets
14. Coelacanth II
15. Seeya (feat. Colleen D’Agostino)
16. while (1<2) [Part 2] continuous mix
[…] after revealing the tracklist alongwith this news, some of his ardent fans and supporters raised some questions and commented on the nature of the […]
[…] another historic milestone of his career as he counts down the final days before his new album ‘While (1<2)‘ hits stores and online platforms. However, that doesn’t stop this producer to stay on his […]
[…] previously previewed fellow album cuts “Avarita” and “Seeya” for those who pre-order the album via iTunes and it offers the perfect insight into what fans can expect from his finest, full-length body of […]