Salvatore Ganacci – Talk

Known for cracking the scene in an energetic and engaging style, we have Salvatore Ganacci fueling quite the charming conversation with his brand new release ‘Talk’. After releasing smashers like ‘Dive’ and ‘Nah Tell Dem’, Salvatore Ganacci’s new work gets in touch with his softer side, as he spins out a smooth and addictive R&B track.

Talk’ is largely driven by its vocal hooks: smooth and finely constructed lyrics that blare out in a Rihanna-esque manner. Its thumping trap beat effortlessly adds a punchy flow as woozy piano keys glisten in the background. With its simplistic, audacious tone, ‘Talk’ is one of those tracks suitable for when you want something mellow yet melodic. Or when it’s conversations turn to take the front seat.

Enough with all the chatter. Make sure to check out this classical hip-hop delight right below. If the tune’s buzz manages to get into your mind, you can buy it right here!


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