The Emergence Of This Mysterious Video Is The Latest To Spark Rumours About Daft Punk’s ‘Alive 2017’ Tour

Daft Punk‘s highly awaited return to touring has fans around the world waiting for any news with baited breath. With countless rumours about an ‘Alive 2017‘ tour having done the rounds on the internet last year, every new piece of news is met with some skepticism.

It’s been barely two weeks into 2017, and we already have the first rumour regarding the French duo’s next tour. A video uploaded on YouTube by a mysterious user under the name of 4162016211411 (which spells out Daft Punk) teases the duo’s iconic Pyramid stage, followed by their logo at the end of the video. The description features a series of 8 digit numbers, which a number of commenters figured out as the coordinates of the cities the duo will play in. One particular user took the time out to break the whole thing down and posted it for everyone to see, with the cities to host the alleged tour being Paris, Miami, Sydney,Tokyo and many more.

However, a number of users on Reddit have confirmed the video to be fake, citing that the locations listed have been taken from the tour dates in 2007, as well as a number of other valid points. You can check out the whole thread here.

Check out the video here below:


H/T: Dancing Astronaut

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